About Change the

Who we are

Change the Game (CtG) knows there is a dearth of diversity within the progressive data space, something that is detrimental not only to living our values but to the quality of analysis of the data we need to win. For this reason, CtG aims to create accessible pathways into this field for a diverse group of learners, who hope to gain the skills and understanding of tools needed to start working as data staffers for progressive organizations around the country.

To better support these learners, CtG aims to simultaneously build out a mechanism of community building and support for existing practitioners and experts. An infrastructure that we hope will also be utilized by the new members of the community as they graduate from CtG programming.


How we're different

Change the Game is focused on breaking down technical barriers to entry in the field of Progressive Data by teaching common skills utilized across the space. Change the Game intentionally targets its recruitment towards traditionally underrepresented communities, aiming to increase diversity across the progressive data space. Change the Game focuses on building a pipeline of data staff for the progressive advocacy industry, from party organizations to independent expenditures and campaigns.

We are looking for participants from traditionally underrepresented communities who have an interest in database or list management, and/or general targeting. Our aim is to develop trainings and a virtual community, to ensure participants and the progressive data community at large, have the tools, skills and network needed to work in the progressive space this cycle.

Virtual data academies

Our online data academies provide participants the following opportunities:

  • Mentorship and small team project based learning;
  • A community speaker series to provide networking and community development opportunities;
  • Online learning courses, which will allow participants to engage in exciting, activity based learning remotely; and
  • An online communication platform for participants, and the larger progressive data community, to share resources, best practices and job opportunities.

At-your-own-pace online learning

Change the Game provides topic specific online courses for data professionals and aspiring data professionals interested in learning new skills and updating their resume to add new tools. 

We work hard to continue to update our online learning library with new courses and to update our existing courses. So keeping checking in to see what’s new. 

These online courses include video overviews, activities, knowledge checks and additional resources, to ensure learners have what they need to grasp the main takeaways for each topic and to practice using their new skills. 

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Not only were the trainings useful but being in the room with this group of people was amazing.

Jasmine Leiva

Change the game participant

Change the game

Meet the Team

Andrew Greenberg
Executive Director

Andrew is the Executive Director of Change the Game. He started as a field organizer during President Obama’s 2012 campaign as a field organizer in Florida. Andrew has worked on elections up and down the ballot and has been involved with organizing, advocacy, and electoral work in all 50 states. He has worked in political data since 2015 and has been a trainer with Wellstone, re:power, and Change the Game. He was a high school teacher and adjunct college professor before diving into political and movement work - he taught literature and writing.

Originally from Dallas, Texas, Andrew lives in Denver, Colorado. He is currently a board member of the Colorado Civic Engagement Roundtable, where he serves as the Treasurer. Andrew also serves on the Finance Committee of the Campaign Workers Guild. He is also a Fellow with both the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Society of Arts.

Valerie Arum

Valerie is a Kenyan native currently residing in Baltimore, MD. Though her academic background is in Strategic Communications (Go Morgan State!), Valerie would like to utilize her skills in issue based organizing and data analytics in order to help organizations make progressive change, while simultaneously serving her community.

As a Change the Game Data Academy Alumna, Valerie hopes to contribute to the building of a community of progressive data staffers, coming from communities which have been historically underrepresented. In her free time, you can find Valerie hiking with friends, trying to finish a book, or cheering on Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens.

Hear from former participants

“I loved the people in the room. I'm so excited to have an amazing and supportive network of diverse, smart, talented people.”
Victoria O'Dell
Change the Game Participant
“I am so grateful for this opportunity and to have had the chance to grow and learn with the other wonderful people in this cohort...”
Jazmin Gonzalez
Change the Game Participant
“This training has been an incredible experience! I'm grateful for...the connections I've built, and the confidence I've grown...”
Connie Gao
Chnage the Game Participant